Sermon notes:
Seeking after pleasure (2:1-11)
- pleasures in life bring no fulfillment
- chasing after all the pleasures in life
- pleasure found in possessions is worthless
Finding pleasure in toil (2:18-26)
- no pleasure in providing an inheritance
- toiling for wealth brings no rest
- learn to enjoy the blessings from your work
Chasing after wealth (6:1-9)
- prosperity without joy is worthless
- our appetite is never satisfied
Big Idea of the Message: A life of striving for work, wealth, and pleasure does not bring fulfillment.
Application Point: Take an inventory of what God has blessed you with and seek to be content with those blessings.
Questions to Ponder :
- What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?
- Can you think of some examples of people who made their life all about money, work, fame, education, or seeking pleasure?
- What happens to them? Are they fulfilled?
- What does Qoheleth teach us about finding meaning in the pursuit of pleasure or wealth?
- Are these things (work, wealth, education, pleasure) wrong in and of themselves? When do they become wrong?
- Have you ever been disappointed when you got what you thought you wanted?